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All About Universe Arounds Me: The Rainbow in A tree
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Rainbow in A tree

Look at that picture guys. That's not painting by human-beings, but it because the nature who made the tree colorful. That's awesome !!

The name of this tree is Rainbow Eucalyptus ( eucalyptus deglupta - in Latin- red ). This tree is a type of white wooden tree. But this Rainbow tree as not as like others white wooden trees which can be able produce white oil. These Rainbow Trees can be the main stream in producing papers. But, the result will not colorful as its colored. LOL.. And for your information, Indonesia one of the biggest producers and export the high quality papers in the world. How amazing, right !!!

We have to be proud of it, since these Rainbow Trees lots can be found in the north side of earth. And the trees lots can be grown in rain-tropical jungles as we have lots in Indonesia, specially in the areas of Papua Nuigenea, Sulawesis island/Celebes, Seram island in Maluku and also in Phillipines.

These colorful can be made due of the changing of the weather and the sunlight, the humidity where can make the skin always scratch and change the color of regular color of tree's stick ( brown mostly ) time to time. And the hieght of trees can be half of the Monas' height. Isn't interesting right !!!

But the end, since the papers is one of the biggest numbers of garbages, we should aware of it. Use the papers wisely due to the numbers of trees once it always cut down and make the numbe of trees getting decreased. Start use the papers in the needs path only. Save this earth, start planting trees in home even in a small area we have at home.

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