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All About Universe Arounds Me: Jul 29, 2011
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Friday, July 29, 2011

The History of a Place - Indonesia Proposed The Name

In my article this time, I would like to introduce a bit about history of Indonesia. A country where I was born into this beautiful universe, a country where I learn many things and be proud be part of an Indonesian. I want to share to the world what and how Indonesia is. I believe one day, this my beloved country will be 'something' because our richness in natural sources and why this country being a country that so full of blesses. I wish all Indonesian out there, somewhere would read this and share it as a 'history talks' that  we are rich and we are proud of it. 

Indonesia is an archipelago country in the world. One of the biggest ones which exist in the universe. Why? Because Indonesia has big islands and small islands with big number of areas consisted in it. 

' Indonesia ' Term is Related with Earth Science 

Indonesia first coined by a British ethnologist names James Richardson Logan in 1850 which he use this Indonesia in relating with earth science. Again later, by G.W. Earl also used Indonesian in his ethnology term frame-work. He mentioned, " Indonesians and Malay - Nesians for Malay archipelagos residents ". Again in 1862, Maxwell made a book about earth science entitled " The Island of Indonesia " and in the next following years in 1884 the expert ethnology named Adolf Bastian used Indonesia as his term in ethnology frame of work.

The Origin History of ' Indonesia ' and ' Nusantara ' Word Derived

Indonesia word derived from :
  • indus ( in Latin ), which means Indian.
  • nesos ( in Greek ), which means island ; nesioi  ( in plural term of use 'nesos' ), which means islands.
so, the conclusion that Indonesia means the Indies islands. Very clear that at first used the term of Indonesia for earth experts in aim for science material. 

Beside name of Indonesia, the country also named as ' Nusantara ' ; the word of ' Nusantara ' was taken from an ancient Javanese language :
  • nusa, which means island
  • antara, which means relationship/series/between. 
So Nusantara means a series of islands. 
In the subsequent development, both names are used as the name of archipelago. 

The Pioneer in Using term 'Indonesia' Politically

In following development, name of Indonesia which more widely used and commonly well-known. 'Indonesia' name itself was first introduced by the ' Association of Indonesians ' ( Perhimpunan Indonesia - in Indonesian language ); an organization founded by Indonesian students in Holland in 1908.  This Association of Indonesians itself was named Indische Vereeniging at first, then in 1922 they change the name into Indonesische Vereeniging. The students found Indonesia-term from customary law lecture lesson given by Professor Cornelin van Vollenhoven. 

In the 2nd Youth Congress in Jakarta in 1928; ' Indonesia ' term of used was being used in relation of National Unity. It is recorded in the Youth Oath in October 28, 1928. Then, officially ' Indonesia ' is being used as the name of our country on August 17, 1945 once when was Indonesia Independence Proclaimed.

The Number of Areas & The Number of  Islands in Indonesia

Land area od islands in Indonesia is : 1,919, 443 km2.
Broad waters/Seas& Oceans in Indonesia is : 3,272,100 km2.
Overall is 5,191,543 km2.

Indonesia consicts of 17,508 islands 
Unnamed islands : 5,707 islands and 
Named islands and already humans in islands are 11,801 islands.

Look at the picture below : 

the picture taken from ;

As per-picture described above, I would explain to you what are the biggest islands we have in Indonesia based on the names mentioned above : 
  • Sumatera island which has 420,000 km2
  • Java and Madura island has 131,000 km2
  • Bali and Nusa Tenggara islands have 73,600 km2
  • Kalimantan ( well known also as 'Borneo' ) island has 533,000 km2
  • Sulawesi ( well known also as ' Celebes ' ) island has 185,000 km2
  • Maluku island has 74.500 km2
  • Papua Nuiginea ( well known also as ' Irian Jaya ' ) island has 397,200 km2

Location of Indonesian Archipelago
  • Location of Indonesia Astronomical is 6 North Latitude - 11 South Latitude & 95 West Longitude - 141 East Longitude ( how to put degrees symbol and square for acres cubic etc in here ya? In blogging we don't have this tool as like we type in Word ?. Sorry guys next time , I will find out how to do this )
  • Indonesia has strategical geographical location in the world because Indonesia in between of Asian Continent and Australian Continent, and in between of 2 oceans ; Indian ocean and Pacific ocean.
  • Indonesia lies in the historical of its formation is a meeting point of 3 major of continental plates: Eurosian plate, Indo-Australia plate and Pacific plate which have been formed from 2 million years ago. 
  • Indonesia lies in the historical culture which is the most excellent aspect in enriching Indonesia unite. The last record conducted by Indonesian National Cencus Statistic  mentioned there are 1,128 tribes in Indonesia. With 5 religions in majority ( Islam, Christian, Chatolic, Budha, Hindu ). Indonesian cultural-history trip runs from pre-history era in very long time ago since 1,7 million years ago, then history era which were included in pre-colonial era, colonial era, independence era, up to now in days. Due to the geographic strategic location, Indonesian cultures influenced many by Melanisian, Astronesia, China, Indian, Arabs, even Mongoloid. Do not be surprised when you meet Indonesian that we do have so many skin colors and so many different languages we speak in because there are 726 local tribes languages we have. 
  • Indonesia socio-economic position is also very strategic, because Indonesia is located at the crossroad of traffic bustling international trades and also lies in between amongst developing industry countries such as China, Japan, Australia and India. 
Here is the map from international view refer to Indonesia Positioning :  

In red is Indonesia 

Based on the astronomy position with good climates, geological history of formation of rocks and formation of earth, geographic position of Indonesia has made Indonesia as a country which is rich in natural minerals mines and in the majority of farming results. 

So, this future of universe is located in South East Asia I think so, because we do have those richness. The water stocks in mountains, the forests, the oceans, the mines, the culture difference with pack of people population that can be a huge number of power. It is located in Indonesia if I can say with proud. 

Happy Friday and Have fun Go mad !