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All About Universe Arounds Me: History Of A Place : Today is China
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Saturday, August 13, 2011

History Of A Place : Today is China

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I would write about history of a place first, not to continue awhile about philosophy due to my interest today 
I don't understand why my blog spot look likes wikipedia ? I have too many interests guys. So, that's okay right If i write all my interests in here? This is my dream too to go to China, because they have good history and good system to keep their history. Here are a small knowledge about China. 

  • Great Wall 
This wall is the longest building which ever made by humans in our beloved earth. One of the seven wonders in the world. This wall was made to prevent the invasion of  Mongols at the time. With 6400 km of length and 8m of height, this wall was built in for hundreds years in different dynasty era. As we do know too, that Chinese culture is one of the eldest ones in the world, they have progress advent technology even for the architecture of this wall. 

The building was starting since Qin's  Dynasty in 220 BC ( even before already had the based of the wall building structure ), they continue made this wall with soil, soil mixed with gravels and simply with by a mound of big-large stones and again the same process of made continued in Han's dynasty.

Continued in Tang's era, they already produced and made advanced the walls with simple bricks. Due to the cost, the usage of bricks just limited in city gate area and the nearest walls where was strategic to withstand the enemy's attack.

Then in Ming's dynasty, the progressive technology of material base was done in making the walls became solid by mixing the limestone and glutinous rice as the cement as the adhesive material to solid the bricks that time. However, to strengthened the wall building; they still used stones in some part of  the Great Wall.

The Picture of Great Wall 

  • Panda
Panda is a mammal; a signature animal from China, even more WWF ( World Wild Foundation ) using this animal as their symbol and also Google ( Google Panda-red; :P ) and of course China's country as symbol itself  and also in their money. Panda is originated from central China. We should know too that panda is one of species which is including endangered species in universe with estimated only 1,600 pandas has been living in the world. Then, why this panda is so special for the world even put panda as their symbols?

Panda is categorized in bear family. In Hanzi literature is called pinyin-mao xiong which means ' bear-cat '. In Latin, it called Ailuropoda melanoleuca ( which means: the black-white paws cat ). Why panda is so special because per-taxonomy, panda is a carnivore but its attitude is like vegetarians. Panda almost eat only bamboo even sometimes eats eggs or insects. Because the way it is, same alike a vegetarian ( herbivore-red ), while he etas its ears always moves, looks funny and also panda seems don't hunt; only lay down or sit and eating bamboo, its popularity image as a peaceful animal was created.

Look even They make Kungfu Panda and Panda 2 is Funny !!!

  • The Lion dance ( In Indonesia it called Barongsai )
This is a traditional Chinese ( you can watch movie of Jet Lee. LOL.. He always perform this dance, and I love it because so sportive and artistic ). The dancers would wear cloak or robe which resembles a lion face and body ( sometimes I think it was a dragon image? ). This dance already exist for thousand years now, based in Mr. wikipedia ( the window of knowledge website-red ) : the dance start can be recorded in Chin's dynasty in 3rd century and become popular in the year of  420-589.

At first this dance as a strategic maneuver of Song Wen Di's army against Fan Yang's elephant troops. They almost lose against Fang's troops. Then the warlord named of Zhong Que created derivative lion king stuffed to repel the Fang's troop. And then after, the effort was successful and then being legendary as a dance. And if we do pay attention of the moves in the dance of lion or Barongsai, it is really look like army troops' moves. Full of martial arts. 
Okay until here only I can share a bit about China. In Indonesia, the art of lion dance ( Barongsai ) is famous. I love it though. I always wait and love when Chinese New Year celebration, because most of time I can watch this  dance in this occasion only.

The Lion Dance - Barongsai

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