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All About Universe Arounds Me: Let's Move Our Body and Mind !
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let's Move Our Body and Mind !

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Today article was inspired by a study nowadays about our lifestyle behaviour that are less good and affecting our own health.

As many degenerative diseases was reported that lately many people came earlier; when it should be declined in organ functions which only happen commonly to old age.
The disease came because of adverse changes in the pattern of our own life. We neglect to pay attention to nutrition and minimal motions practising in our life style.

Here is the WHO news footage about the TOP 5 largest disease that haunts came at young age :
  • Heart Disease ; WHO put this disease as the number one cold-blooded killer in the world. The record of 2008, 25.7 million people died caused of this disease, approximately 12.8% of total deaths in the world in 2008.
  • Stroke ; In 2008, stroke accounted for mortality as much 10.8% of the total number of deaths in the world. Estimated 6.15 million people died from stroke suffered. Stroke is caused by constriction of blood vessels.
  • Chronic Lung Disease ; a total of 3.28 million people worldwide died of chronic pulmonary  disease associated with this. The amount is equal to 5.8% of total deaths in the world.
  • Respiratory, Throat and Lung Cancers ; These 3 diseases caused 3.1% mortality in the world with casualties amounting to 1.39 million people in 2008.
  • Diabetes Mellitus ; 1.26 million people died from diabetic is 2.2% in the calculated number of deaths in the world in 2008.

Then which one of our lifestyles causes us to decline in organ function at the young age? 
  • Poor eating habits such as irregular eating time-line; eating patterns that do not pay attention to the amount of nutrients needed by our own bodies; excessive eating paterns that lead to excessive level of sugarin the body
  • Lackness of drinking water habitual which is in previous post I did explain the benefit of water for our own good health
  • Lack of activity in a moving body that can affect the dynamics of body organs is hampered due to fat accumulation are just concentrated on few body parts that are not balanced in the distributions of substances, the food substances into our body..
  • Smoking habit. Knowingly or not ( and this is a valuable lesson for me personally as well as writing this article ), we accounted smoking habit of our beloved universe to make the air in surround us become unhealthy, especially because of the lack of a disproportionate number of trees to suck up the CO and CO2.
In some people affected by these diseases may be due to congenital genetics defects. However, we need to note here is that we can correct the situation if indeed we would be a genetic of the disease. And for expecting the non-genetically to always going love ourselves to always paying attention to the dynamics of our own organs body parts.

Let's Rock , and Let's Move our Body and Mind !!

  • Get used to bring healthy biscuits which rich in wheat inside our bag, so each time how busy is our activities, a healthy dietery food is always there with us; and ready for the intake by the body.
  • Get used to eat 2 banana everyday due to the membran fibre banana has is good for digestive organ in our body. 
  • Get used to bring drink water bottle that we can re-fill any time. Avoid cold water.
  • Get used to drinking water as soon as we wake up from sleep as much as 1 glass. 
  • Avoid food that contains MSG
  • Get used to move our bodies. A very easy way though we do not have enough time to do jogging, gym or whatever it is; make a habit as like we put our goods which are we always use in daily such as our mobile phone ; put in a place that far from the reach of our hands. Thus, our body would move to find it and to reach it. this one is the most effective way to accustom ourselves to move specially to people who are busy working and alway stick with the desk and seat. 
  • For smokers as myself ( I try to quit anyway :-) ), get used to smoke away from the people around specially in a room where not only us who stays there inside. Get used to feel guilty for having participated in polluting the air in our beloved universe. Start make list guilty project as like me to statr planting trees and in goal to growing it nicely for every 1 packet cigarette we've already exhausted suction.
  • You can add any list here. I will make contact form in other page, so any time you love to donate article in here. I will publish it.

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