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All About Universe Arounds Me: Philosophy and Science
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Philosophy and Science

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Yesterday I wrote a simple article about philosophy in general terms. Today, I would like to share the philosophy in many ages of genres which still related nowadays. In this article, I would just make a quick summary the history of philosophy where become a base later on to the recently minds and thoughts of philosophers and science itself in aim for us to get clear views about the terms.

In Europe, we knew about ' rennaissance ' era ( year of 1400 - 1600 ) which has meaning ' re-born/enlightenment ' after 1,000 years Europe had been in static condition culture. The most factors which made rennaissance era becoming a starting point the development of philosophy and due to the advent of scientific discoveries which are :

  • Nicolas Copernicus; with his theory ' heliocentric cosmology ' in 1543 which bring world into science revolution in seeing universe that ' sun is the center of universe '. 
  • Galileo Galilei ; he was completed and make perfect the telescope into 3x up- zooming-which this completion had supported Copernicus that Aristoteles era has done. Also, with his completion of telescope works and others navigation devices has brought human specially Europe to have bigger horizon of universe. It bring more capability for people to adventure the world, around the globe. 
  • Leonardo Da Vinci ; with his works in arts, anatomy of human body and also which important was his steam cannon, this steam cannon  indicating that the feudalism power was on threat. 
  • Johanes Gutenberg : with his printing press machine. This invention has bring definite revolution for people that knowledge and science was no longer owned by certain intellectual circles, knowledge and science is for everyone.

With a major of revolution in development knowledge in science, arts & literature, impact the social life; people begin to think anew, that is about himself. Human no longer sees himself as ' viator mundi ' ( the person who make pilgrimages in the world ) but as ' faber mundi ' ( the person who created the world ). It crossed clearly that modern philosophy era is having ' anthropocentric ' patterned.

The thing of Greece era and mid-era philosophy were about seeking ' substances ' and main principal that God who was the main principal; which always stated that 'main principal' is above of 'substances' from all over the facts happens in life refer to cosmology-paths.
But in modern-philosophy; the role of  ' substance ' was taken over by human as ' subject ' which were conditioned placement below the realities and who ' carry on ' those realities. So, the main principal is us, the human-being.

Following era after rennaissance, the development of in many aspect has happened globally in reformation of thoughts in rationalism, the changes of intellectual & social development, has been declared that human beings as " adult ". The following keywords has been found after subsequent revolving development around ' ratio ',
' empiric ', ' tolerance ' ( in the field of religion and politics ),  ' progress', ' freedom ' and ' the worldly hood '.

In the view of  Baroque era ( year of 1600 - 1700 ); subjectivity term is almost alike to ' rationality '. Descartes tried to make a philosophy system  with ' human thought is in the head '. Rationalism is the intellectual, the intelligence, ingenuity as the main-key to understand the world and universe and in aim to arrange his/her own life. In this era, Descartes was being important as being called ' The father of  Modern Philosophy '

And in the year of 1750, there were born " Roman era " where delivered as the feed back reaction to words of  ' ratio ' and ' empiric '. In this ' roman philosophy ' emphasized the role of feelings  and fantasy. Roman philosophy has influenced most people that time specially in religion, arts and literature.

Then in  modern philosophy era, the subjectivity is the main role key in philosophy. Which has been a main link in developing the thoughts and minds with ' I ' as the center in discovering the thoughts, the minds, the actions, the will and the feels as the first fundamental reformation in next movement of developing philosophy.

To be continue okay..

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