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All About Universe Arounds Me: Health Term V : All About Vitamin
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Health Term V : All About Vitamin

Vitamin is a complex chemicals that are important for body to work properly. For some vitamins, our body can not be able to produce it alone: so it should get it from food and beverages. There are 13 main vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, K, B12, and seven ( 7 ) B Complex. Actually, our body just need a small portion of  it. 
Vitamin can be classified into 2 groups :

  • Group of water soluble vitamins
  • Group of fat soluble vitamins

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

This vitamin is absorbed from intestine with fat, then stored it in fatty tissues inside our body ( primarily in 
liver ). This type of fat-soluble vitamins are : vitamin A, D, E and K.
In general, these vitamins would not be removed through urine such as other vitamins. The back-up stocks of these types of vitamins in our body sometimes enough to meet the needs requirements of our bodies for years, so we do not need to supply them every day.

Once the excess of these vitamins can be happened, it is extremely dangerous to our own body. Hence, a balanced diet which contains enough these type of vitamins are good for our bodies. And if there is a deficiency of these type of vitamins, usually caused by the emergence of disorders of fat's function or less-unequal absorption in our own food composition.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Most types of these vitamins are only stored briefly in body and quickly disposed its excess through urine. exception for B12 vitamin, which is the only one which stored in the liver. That's the reason why it takes 5 to 6 years until the symptoms of deficiency comes up in the surface. The water-soluble vitamins are B12 and C.

Lack of water-soluble vitamins are common happening compare than deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins. That's the reason why is very highly recommended to eat food composition which are rich of water-soluble vitamins every day. Fruit and vegetable are the main producer of these type of vitamins. Consuming vitamin that dissolves in water every day, usually will not causing poisoning ( the excess would be disposed these vitamins through our urine ).

All About Vitamins

Vitamin A : is a main source for growing and developing the bones, teeth for children. And main source for eyes-visual function, composition to cell body for protection to the respiratory cells, digestive cells, urinary tracts against infection, and very good for skin healthiness. 

Vitamin A Deficiency :

The lack of vitamin A can be happened usually caused by impaired absorption of fat by the intestine: due to the cystic fibrosis ( genetic abnormality with characteristic where can not absorb the fat and the lungs have had infected ), bile duct obstruction, lipid-lowering drugs usage. Other caused which found in poor and insecurity food area is the arrangement and unbalanced food and nutrition. 

Vitamin A deficiency will result in lack of clarity of eyes' vision at night, dry eyes and swollen, dry and rough skin, and less resistant to infection. Severe deficiency of vitamin A would cause the damage to teeth and bones, causing ulcer in eye's cornea ( if not taking an action would lead to blindness ).

Vitamin A Excess

The long term of vitamin A excess will cause hyper-vitamin A, with the following symptoms : headache, feeling tired easily, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dry and itchy in skin, hair loss, for women will affect to monthly menstruation in not sufficient and suitable timing, bone pain, swelling in liver and spleen. Excess of vitamin A during pregnancy will cause fetal defects. 

Food Suggestion which Rich of Vitamin A
  • Food stuff that contain vitamin A are as follows : liver, fish oil, egg yolks, milk and its processed products, almost in all type of vegetable and fruit.
  • Eating food that rich of carotene 9 which are found mainly in palm oil and carrots ). These 2 would not cause hyper-vitamin A
  • Artificial ingredients like vitamin A is called retinoid is good to lather the skin.

Vitamin B12 : is well known too as sianokobolamin, an important vitamin due to its role-key for some enzymes' activity. B12 is needed in producing genetic materials for cells  ( growth function ), in making red-blood cells in marrow bones in its used in folic acid and carbohydrate and smooth in functioning of the nerves system. 

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The deficiency of this vitamin mostly happened because intestinal absorption disorder that can cause megaloblastic  anemia, and for some people can be happen because they avoid to eat all food that from animal ( not eating meat, eggs, milk and other results of animal's ). Beside megaloblastic anemia, deficiency of B12 can cause canker sore on mouth and tongue. 

If in long term of B12 deficiency is happening can occur the marrow bone damaged with symptoms as follows : numbness in feet or hand, twitch feelings in feet and hand areas, weak of memory, prone to depression. 

Vitamin B12 Excess

There is no story can occur once the excess of this type of vitamin due to its water soluble-scheme. 

Food Suggestion which Rich of Vitamin B12

The main source of B12 vitamin are easy to find in liver, chicken, meat, fish, eggs, and milk processed products.

Note From Me:
To be continue tomorrow, the B Complex is really complex written. see you again.

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