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All About Universe Arounds Me: The Spider Punk
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Spider Punk

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I was watching tv about spiders how smart they are making the nets... And then at the end I understand how they making nets to gain their food, their victims, But it is in good way. They need food anyway, just I notice the making of the web how neat it is. As like making link to one another, which is the philosophy of the spiders how we link ourselves to our own strengths to gain our goals. Sometimes in making a web, they can be individual or maybe a gang. At final moment, I saw the coolest spiders that they are colorful in skin. Again I admire this universe, the sky, the trees, in plants, in animals we have rainbows everywhere... Meaning is that the creature of this universe giving us a sign that every single creature having their own colorful, the happiness symbols for us to learn and understand.

The funny things that I can find from spiders that they can be able stay alive without food for 208 days, can you imagine that? If us maybe 2 days already passed-out. And more interesting that what I mentioned before that there are punk spider in color. And they look like punkers' hair with red or yellow color on hair. So cutteeee !!!! But most of people called them Crab spiders due to the appereance of theirs.

These spiders in Latin is Gasteracantha cancriformis. They have 6 horns and with color can be black or red in it. With dots black in body, and skin color can be yellow, white or green. These punk spiders can be found in USA, central America, Jamaica, Cuba, Dominica, South America, Bahama Island, Australia & Phillipines. The love to stay in Citrun lemon trees where they found them in Florida, USA.

They are so tiny, 5mm - 9mm for the female with the width body is 10mm - 13mm: and the male is 2mm - 3mm. They love to eat the flies, moths, and beetles.  They are so fragile though, after spawned the female would die, and the males would die couple days after spermed the females. Of course the female would die after spawned since she can have eggs around 100 - 260 eggs.

The things is which is interesting that the spider babies already independent soon after their mom dead.
Here are the pictures of punk spiders :

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