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All About Universe Arounds Me: The Magic Of Soursop For Human Kind In Universe !
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Monday, August 1, 2011

The Magic Of Soursop For Human Kind In Universe !

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Sour sop's phenomenon as a Medicine For many Disease

Common Name : Soursop Fruit
Aliases : Soursop (Inggris), Corossol atau Anone (Perancis), Zuurzak (Belanda)  guanábana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese), Brazilian Paw Paw, Corossolier, Guanavana, In Indonesia called as durian benggala, Nangka belanda, and Nangka londo
Latin Name : Annona Mirrocata L

What Inside in Sour sop Fruit
  •  Water contained, 
  • The highest contains nutrients is carbohydrate.The special thing is this fruit of type of the carbohydrate is that reducing sugar ability ( glucose and fructose ) with levels 81.9% to 93.6% from total sugar contained.
  • Low fat is 0.3gram/100gram, meaning is good for people who is in diet. Sour taste in soursop derived from non-volatile organic acid, particular malic acid, citric acid, and isositrate acid.
  • The most dominant vitamin in soursop is vitamin C which about 20mg/100g in the flesh of fruit itself. The human's needs for vitamin C is 60mg in a day. Due the numbers of soursop's 20mg, meaning is it is quiet high numbers to provide and complete the human's need of vitamic C.With the requirement for vitamin C in humans would be very good to for improving endurance, the immune system and at the other hand is good too for slowing down the aging.
  • Contain mineral which dominant enough are calsium with 14mg/100g and phosporus with 27mg/100g. Both minerals are important in forming the strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Sour sop is rich in non-nutrional elements,which has high fiber ( dietary fibre ) in respectively number up to 3.3g/100g of its flesh.
  • Sour sop is rich of phytochemical compounds which rich of beta carotene elements. There is not much reference about this phyto - chemical studies in which way can explain to established this soursop as an essential nutrient, but there is limited evidence to this phyto - chemical can be a great impact for health due to the dietary fibre, polyphenol anti-oxidants, and anti-flammatory effects.

Historical Proven That Sour sop is a Medicine

It has been in millenia there is research for this phytochemical terms, then in 1970's the Health Research Institute were taken based on the Indians's habits life who live in Amazon forest. Some parts of trees such as barks, roots, leaves, fruit's flesh and more even the seeds, over centuries can be able to cure Indians for their medicine scheme. They believed soursop has capability to cure heart disease, asthma, liver problems, and arthritis.

Then, in 1976 due to :; noted that there is prominent study by the National Cancer Institute which focusing on phytochemical in soursop which know as annonaceous acetogenins. It was proven that soursop can be able to be a killer cancer cells in the extraordinary result by doing experiments spreaded into 20 independent laboratories which conducted and supervised under National Cancer Institute. Many researchers fixed that if the soursop gives powerful and medically proven that soursop can be able to cure all types of cancer or tumor.

Again based on  there was a study which was conducted by Chatolic University South Korea found that soursop are having ability to select, discriminate, and kill colon cancer-tumor cells with 10,000 times more potent than adriamycin or chemotheraphy.Soursop can choose and kill the evil tumor-cancer colon cells while the healthy cells are not disturbed or touched. Compare to chemo theraphy which can not be able to distinguish cancer cells and healthy cells where ever can cause negative effects of nausea and hair-loss.

Purdue University, Indiana, USA study about the soursop's magic and found that the leaves of soursop able to effectivelly kill tumor-cancer, particularly tumor-cancer cells such as prostate, pancreas and lungs.

The summary results of all studies about sour sop that this tree or leaves or seeds has ability as like a magic wand to :
  • Attacking evil tumor-cancer with naturally safe and effeciently, without nausea, hair-loss, weight-loss, as occurs in chemotheraphy
  • Protecting the immune systemand prevent badly infections
  •  Increasing energy and improve physical appearance ( slowing down the aging )
  • Effective and sufficient weapon in targetting and killing the evil cells from 12 types of tumor-cancer cells
  • Empowering work tasks 10,000 times stronger in slowing down the growth  of tumor-cancer cells compared than adriamycin or chemotheraphy
  • Deselecting the healthy cells as the target to kill
  • Taking action as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungial, effective against many types of worms and parasites,lowering down the high blood pressure, and normalize the nervous system that are less good.

The Tips and Tricks in Alternative Natural Medication  Indonesian Style Recipes by Using Sour sop
  • Sour sop as Prevention tumor-cancer
For prevention, soursop can be consume in regular basis habit either by way to drink the juice or to eat freshly the flesh

  •  Sour sop's leaves for Curing Tumor-Cancer
For healing the tumor-cancer, boil about 10 dark-old leaves into 600ml of water until boiled up to 200ml left ( 1 glass/cup alone ). Drink this water cup alone, 1 time in a day. The effects of drinking this boiling soursop leaves, we might feel warm-hot as like fever and sweating in body.
This way is not an instant way ( anyway nothing in the world can be achieve without process in time-being though ), it would take 3 - 4 weeks to drink it regularly and gain the benefits of healing.

  •  Sour sop's leaves for curing Back Pain
Boil 20 soursop's leaves with 5 glasses of water ( 1 glass = 200 ml ) until 600 ml left boiled left. Drink 3/4 glass = 150 ml per-day.
  • Fruit Sour sop for Diarrhoea Baby
Use only soursop which is ripe. Soursop is squeezed and filtered to get the water essence. Give 2-3 table spoons to the infant.
  •  Hemorrhoid disease
Use only sour sop which is ripe. Squeezed  to get the water juice about 200ml = 1 glass. Drink it 2 times in a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  • Ulcer/Blotch
Use the soursop's young-green leaves only. Put and stick it in a place affected by ulcers.
  •  Urine Bladder Pain
Use half-ripe soursop flesh, with water, sugar and salt to taste. All ingredients are cooked as compote made. Eat it plain, performed as routine everyday 1 time in a week in a row.
  •  Liver Pain
Meantime do fasting for any type of food. Just drink for soursop juice for a week.
  •  Eczema and rheumatism.
Use the green-young soursop's leaves. Mash it until smooth and put it and apply it in the affected area.

To find out more about alternative medicine that use soursop in Indonesian's style, you might like to visit : ; but you might need google translation due to the language is in Indonesian. :P

And if you like to read how to make this soursop as a nice food ones, please check :

Don't we realize this mother - earth, this beautiful universe is always giving us so much things to solve and provide the great things for the goodness sake for all creatures which are stands, sits, walks, even creep. In the ends, I might to start planting a sour sop tree at home. :-)

Best Regards and Happy Weekend,


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