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All About Universe Arounds Me: 07/01/2011 - 08/01/2011
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summary Refer To Insulin & Diabetes Mellitus

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Last night I was remember my old fellow in Dubai. I wandered how is she right now. Is she fine? She was a fun friend for me, we worked in different outlet but we stayed at the same flat that time. We talked about many things. She is an Arabs from Morroco, a really fun friend. But, sometimes I concerned about her because she is always taking insulin injection after she ate due to her diabetis mellitus, she has to take it. She has this diabetis mellitus in early age in 25 years old. Then, now what I do? I search in Google what is diabetes mellitus and what is insulin? Really, due to my previous post which entitled Let's Move Our Body and Mind where WHO noted that diabetes mellitus was in the Top 5 that we need to aware a lot. In this post, I want to share a bit knowledge which I can summarized from Google about what diabetes mellitus is and what insulin is. Hope it will be useful for all of us.

" Diabetes is a disorder because the pancreas doesn't produce insulin or produce insulin but not sufficient, so the patient experience hypoglycemia ( glucose level is too high )" 
" Insulin is a hormone that regulates the absorption of sugar; from liver cells to supplying energy to fat cells to be stored it ". 
Meaning is the insulin have a role-key to stimulating glucose blood uptake by the liver and the muscle cells to be burned for energy or converted as glycogen ( muscle sugar ). When and if necessary, insulin can be able to change again the glycogen into glucose to meet the needs of our body for facing physical activity or facing the thread. In the short way, insulin has an important role play to serves and keep all the networks body to obtain adequate quantities of glucose. 

Inability the body in using and storing glucose lead to weight loss and often feel tired, and cause chaos of  lipid's metabolism and can speed up the damaged to small blood vessels.

There are 2 main types of diabetes :
  • Diabetes that depending on insulin. This type is categorized as the heavy one. Appeared at the age below 35 years old, between ages of 10 - 17 years old. The disease is growing very fast. The cells which producer of insulin in pancreas that may damage by the immune system suppressed itself followed by a certain virus infections. But it is noted that this type is a genetic, but once the dust of actual fact it was noted that just only few who are true affected heavy diabetes mellitus. This become worst because of ( perhaps ) affected by a viral infection that attacks the pancreas on hold several years ago.
  •  Diabetes that not depending on insulin. This type of diabetes develops slowly, specially attacking those 40 years old of aged. Many has discovered by doctors due to this term on patients while doing routine medical check up.  Insulin still made, but the amount is not sufficient for the body needs. This is also genetic. Particularly attacks those are over-weight.
The cause of diabetes in addition of an offspring, can also be caused by something else such as obesity, pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis, some drugs on corticosteroids and dieuritic, some infections, pregnancy. Those mentioned before can cause or aggravate the diabetes melittus

Care and Treatment

Goals of care for those in the detection who has possibility of diabetes or for those who already affected by diabetes is to prolong life, relieve symptoms, and prevent long-term complications.
  • Diabetes patients with insulin-dependent ; care and treatment means regular injections ( can be taken alone or with other people ) 1-4 times a day in accordance with the doctor's advice. Patients should reduce the input of carbohydrate and split evenly in a day in a tight schedule and regular basis. Patients is advised to bring sugar grains to prevent hypoglycemia, strictly forbidden to fly a plane, train or work done in high places because it is dangerous when the disease comes to attack.
  • Diabetes patients with non insulin-dependent; the treatment can be often solved by diet only. Setting up the carbohydrates evenly in a day to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. When the diet can not be longer lower the glucose, the patients will be given by hypoglycemic drugs that can stimulate pancreas to produce more insulin, but it remains to be done with focused and regular diet and doing sport to support the diet aim and reduce the weight. 
  • People with diabetes are encouraged to have a card that stating that he/she is a diabetics and always carry it anywhere, if attack anything happens will soon overcome and given appropriate help.
  • People with diabetics are encouraged to become members of diabetics group in aim to reinforce and support each other and can be able to obtain the latest information 'on how' the latest treatment in well and properly schemes.

The most heaviest complications were found are: ulcers in the leg which can lead to foot amputations, constriction blood vessels, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorder, and cataracts.

Complication most found because the patients doesn't follow the doctors' advises. Meaning is that it is a high awareness and do the advises in preventing the complication, only with high discipline and regular basis treatment, so many diabetics people can live as most normal people up to an old ages life. 

My Advice

Kindly visit widgit so you can have better result with up-dated information about diabetes. They have good sources for us to learn. 
Later in next post, i would try to find an alternative solution medication treatment source information by universe creatures which might help diabetes. 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Is The Chemical Fertilizer Good For Our Plants in Universe Future ?

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I am joining into, and joining to the group of  ' Home Garden ', I never speak much in that group only I notice what they have been talking about and learn many things in there from anyone; how do they plant the flowers, the trees even more for the farming. It is great valuable knowledge I get in there, more and more I respect all these creatures in this beautiful universe. 

Then about a week ago, I read newspaper refer to brown plant hopper pests were widespread in Java, one of island in my country lately. B. Merle Shepard, Emeritus Professor from Clemson University , USA said that we need to stop massive usage  pesticide immediately due what his noticing what happen in Java almost alike what already happened to Phillipines in 1980's once he was in International Research Institute in Phillipines. He said that in seminar meeting  " Natural Organic Farmers Venues " ( Galanggang Alam Petani Organik - in Indonesian language - red ) in Padang, Indonesia, July 22 2011. 

He has a good point and reasonably so much, that pesticides sprayer could kill the ' natural microbial ' who has the important role key as an army soldier for the soil. My dear lovely good friends are inventors and been through long research until they can be able in making this bio-organic fertilizer in 2007; why these natural army so important for the soil and as the best result making the bio-organic fertilizer for fixing the soil so much better than we use chemical fertilizer.

At first the reason why this chemical fertilizer came up at beginning in aim to faster and speed-up the production of farms.  But, then if we notice in-organic fertilizer dominant have 3 elements which needed for the plants even for animal to speed up the growth production. That's why inside In-organic fertilizer  rich with N ( Nitrogen )  TSP/SP 36 -->  P ( Phosporus ) --> K ( Kalium ) KCL ( Kalium Chloride ) and if we pay attention they have great mass included inside in-organic fertilizer. Check elements to wiki. For moments it is great for speeding-up, but then we did forget that plants or animals even human beings in this universe not enough with those 3 elements only. The balance will not be gained ( The nutrition-red ) once only those 3 elements were dominant.

And the problem is that the dominant 3 elements in-balance the soil itself. Inside the soil they do have microbiological, small creatures who can deselect unnecessary elements and helping the processing in making health the soil. But then, the in-organic fertilizer needs pesticide which at first had a purpose to armed the in-organic fertilizer in speeding-up the growth. In a year it was good for speeding up the growth and good result in producing the the agriculture products. But, in long term usage, it would kill and reduce the numbers of these small little creatures who has the important role - play in nature for rehab the soil. 

The humus organic have being tired too, to work over time in deliver the healthy layers beneath to the top soil time to time, the beneath humus elements don't have its little armies to help them to do this. During the time because of deterioration performance to humus and micro-small little creatures made the soil getting dry and unhealthy due to the lack of its own elements nutrition. Then, these funny bugs, flies, plant hoppers were getting irresistible to pesticide. The worst is that the soil and the water and the plants become cancer genes because the chemical influences was getting over dosage due to deterioration performance of those factors. The chemical get through inside every parts in the soil, in the water, in the vegetables and surroundings. And we consume it.  I did make research to this term too at home by using in-organic, organic and bio-organic and how to result it, so I would be able to share this to you this time.

Which One is Better ? Bio-Organic or Organic ?
As I said, we do at home pay attention about this since long time ( maybe in our root-blood we are farmer ). Very clear, I'm not in the side of in-organic fertilizer for our plants at home. It ruins our plants, the soil and the butterflies didn't want to be around, even we just had  2 pots of plants for research.

I do agree about bio-organic or organic fertilizer. The thing is that organic would take long time in making the soil getting better if this is about big farm to be healthy in sooner dynamic time-line. For the pollutant soil because of the in-organic fertilizer needed bio-organic due to its term has 25 elements which are needed for damaged soil. And with the making process in fermentation to create the small soldiers army which rich of humid acid and vulvat acid to re-structuring the soil ground even to the beneath layers. In the balance of it contents already have natural pesticide and that's great to avoid the usage of chemical pesticide.

And for you if the soil just normal, do the organic fertilizer then. It is easy in making it, only needs animal feces as like goat's and many dead leaves or dead sticks from trees; anything from the plants itself would become useful for humus organic fertilizer. More even we can use the dirt water after we clean up the fish once we want to cook it. It would rich the soil too. It is easy too if some funny creatures come to attack, we just need baby soap to spray it, no need advance pesticide machine killer or blah blah to re-attack them. As like worm, do not kill them, just remove them and put in the cage let them grow as natural it is, because we need them to fly again as butterfly and spread the seed  to reproduction activity cycles for many times which needed in many plants. 

In USA the usage of bio - organic or organic fertilizer in farming activity is increasing 20% nowadays, more people concerns about this matter due to the relationship to our own good sake universe even the good sake of our own healthy. In Singapore, they are prohibiting the usage of in-organic fertilizer and pesticide. Now in Indonesia since 1986, the government prohibited 28 ingredients active material in 57 brand name of pesticides. Still, Indonesia needs to improve the bio-technology for farming-terms due to Java already infected with this plant hoppers. I do believe it will solve soon, because now my friends and I we gather to spread about their inventions by internet pretty soon; and now in process to making it. Hope it will bring back the good sake for our universe and start from our home country then to abroad. 

We are humans being to be able invent many technology, for some reasons it might be good, but some other reasons might be not good for human kind; this is our part now to think about it and take action. Once most soil in the world get hampered, what would be this humans in future? Radiation of pesticide body parts live in ours. And the sickness of funny diseases would be the most fear then.

Anyway the benefit doing organic or bio-organic farms we can bypass the cost of pesticides budget, you will prove that if you doing that, because all elements in its surrounds making good friends to each others as what We do at home to our small garden. My mango trees never stop producing its fruit, every month always sweet natural taste; if we do organic, of course. And other plants always again and again re-stock even we give to neighborhood and green the street along our house area. Love this life as it is, Love this universe as it is and take benefit but again we keep maintaining it too in aim for our own good sake.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The History of a Place - Indonesia Proposed The Name

In my article this time, I would like to introduce a bit about history of Indonesia. A country where I was born into this beautiful universe, a country where I learn many things and be proud be part of an Indonesian. I want to share to the world what and how Indonesia is. I believe one day, this my beloved country will be 'something' because our richness in natural sources and why this country being a country that so full of blesses. I wish all Indonesian out there, somewhere would read this and share it as a 'history talks' that  we are rich and we are proud of it. 

Indonesia is an archipelago country in the world. One of the biggest ones which exist in the universe. Why? Because Indonesia has big islands and small islands with big number of areas consisted in it. 

' Indonesia ' Term is Related with Earth Science 

Indonesia first coined by a British ethnologist names James Richardson Logan in 1850 which he use this Indonesia in relating with earth science. Again later, by G.W. Earl also used Indonesian in his ethnology term frame-work. He mentioned, " Indonesians and Malay - Nesians for Malay archipelagos residents ". Again in 1862, Maxwell made a book about earth science entitled " The Island of Indonesia " and in the next following years in 1884 the expert ethnology named Adolf Bastian used Indonesia as his term in ethnology frame of work.

The Origin History of ' Indonesia ' and ' Nusantara ' Word Derived

Indonesia word derived from :
  • indus ( in Latin ), which means Indian.
  • nesos ( in Greek ), which means island ; nesioi  ( in plural term of use 'nesos' ), which means islands.
so, the conclusion that Indonesia means the Indies islands. Very clear that at first used the term of Indonesia for earth experts in aim for science material. 

Beside name of Indonesia, the country also named as ' Nusantara ' ; the word of ' Nusantara ' was taken from an ancient Javanese language :
  • nusa, which means island
  • antara, which means relationship/series/between. 
So Nusantara means a series of islands. 
In the subsequent development, both names are used as the name of archipelago. 

The Pioneer in Using term 'Indonesia' Politically

In following development, name of Indonesia which more widely used and commonly well-known. 'Indonesia' name itself was first introduced by the ' Association of Indonesians ' ( Perhimpunan Indonesia - in Indonesian language ); an organization founded by Indonesian students in Holland in 1908.  This Association of Indonesians itself was named Indische Vereeniging at first, then in 1922 they change the name into Indonesische Vereeniging. The students found Indonesia-term from customary law lecture lesson given by Professor Cornelin van Vollenhoven. 

In the 2nd Youth Congress in Jakarta in 1928; ' Indonesia ' term of used was being used in relation of National Unity. It is recorded in the Youth Oath in October 28, 1928. Then, officially ' Indonesia ' is being used as the name of our country on August 17, 1945 once when was Indonesia Independence Proclaimed.

The Number of Areas & The Number of  Islands in Indonesia

Land area od islands in Indonesia is : 1,919, 443 km2.
Broad waters/Seas& Oceans in Indonesia is : 3,272,100 km2.
Overall is 5,191,543 km2.

Indonesia consicts of 17,508 islands 
Unnamed islands : 5,707 islands and 
Named islands and already humans in islands are 11,801 islands.

Look at the picture below : 

the picture taken from ;

As per-picture described above, I would explain to you what are the biggest islands we have in Indonesia based on the names mentioned above : 
  • Sumatera island which has 420,000 km2
  • Java and Madura island has 131,000 km2
  • Bali and Nusa Tenggara islands have 73,600 km2
  • Kalimantan ( well known also as 'Borneo' ) island has 533,000 km2
  • Sulawesi ( well known also as ' Celebes ' ) island has 185,000 km2
  • Maluku island has 74.500 km2
  • Papua Nuiginea ( well known also as ' Irian Jaya ' ) island has 397,200 km2

Location of Indonesian Archipelago
  • Location of Indonesia Astronomical is 6 North Latitude - 11 South Latitude & 95 West Longitude - 141 East Longitude ( how to put degrees symbol and square for acres cubic etc in here ya? In blogging we don't have this tool as like we type in Word ?. Sorry guys next time , I will find out how to do this )
  • Indonesia has strategical geographical location in the world because Indonesia in between of Asian Continent and Australian Continent, and in between of 2 oceans ; Indian ocean and Pacific ocean.
  • Indonesia lies in the historical of its formation is a meeting point of 3 major of continental plates: Eurosian plate, Indo-Australia plate and Pacific plate which have been formed from 2 million years ago. 
  • Indonesia lies in the historical culture which is the most excellent aspect in enriching Indonesia unite. The last record conducted by Indonesian National Cencus Statistic  mentioned there are 1,128 tribes in Indonesia. With 5 religions in majority ( Islam, Christian, Chatolic, Budha, Hindu ). Indonesian cultural-history trip runs from pre-history era in very long time ago since 1,7 million years ago, then history era which were included in pre-colonial era, colonial era, independence era, up to now in days. Due to the geographic strategic location, Indonesian cultures influenced many by Melanisian, Astronesia, China, Indian, Arabs, even Mongoloid. Do not be surprised when you meet Indonesian that we do have so many skin colors and so many different languages we speak in because there are 726 local tribes languages we have. 
  • Indonesia socio-economic position is also very strategic, because Indonesia is located at the crossroad of traffic bustling international trades and also lies in between amongst developing industry countries such as China, Japan, Australia and India. 
Here is the map from international view refer to Indonesia Positioning :  

In red is Indonesia 

Based on the astronomy position with good climates, geological history of formation of rocks and formation of earth, geographic position of Indonesia has made Indonesia as a country which is rich in natural minerals mines and in the majority of farming results. 

So, this future of universe is located in South East Asia I think so, because we do have those richness. The water stocks in mountains, the forests, the oceans, the mines, the culture difference with pack of people population that can be a huge number of power. It is located in Indonesia if I can say with proud. 

Happy Friday and Have fun Go mad !

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tips & Tricks For Women Only !

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Dear Readers,

Today I am inspired to write down and share with you refer to self defense for women specially, because I remember that I ever felt threatened by a guy that I don't know in the street and tried to snatch me.

For some women may not have martial arts abilities to fight the man who has the power slightly stronger than women are. Specially the " jerk-off " who just like to against women for nothing and do harsh to some women. I ever involved in martial class when I was teenager; the coach taught me how to effective the self defense for women using the reflex within ourselves, by using the goods in ourselves in most everyday and stay focus to not be fear of that kind of person.

The Tips & Tricks are :

  • Fight your fear. Stay focus and don't show our fear. That's the most important. Buy time with asking the guy what he want from you. 
  • Use your handbag as a weapon for self defense. For most women in our bags there is always such as cosmetic-kit small bag right? So, with this existence of the cosmetic-kit bag inside, it is a heavy object to hit bad people who act not good to us. Tap it into the are of the person's back bone. 
Perfect Weapon
( I think inside we can put books too )

So get used to bring bag everywhere we go with a bit content that could incriminate us the bag. Not everyone can afford to buy tear gas; even once we do have it the tear gas in our bags, we sometimes lose quickly to take out the tear gas from inside our bag. 
  • Use belt - buckle for the second weapon. Why the women's buckle is effective as weapon? Because most women's clothes doesn't include buckle into a clasp fastener special bond that exist in our clothes right? So to open it and pull it out with a fast speed is not a problem. Plus the buckle headband mostly made from iron metal ( not Iron Maiden - okay ! Iron Maiden is my favorite band. :P ). Meaning is our buckle or belt is an effective weapon to hit the bad guy right to the eye. 

So get used to wear belt or buckle or what ever in our clothes. 

  • Use our high heels or stilleto. First pull your shoes and hit right to the eye of  the wicked person. And with other high heels, kick into his pubic area. We know how sharp is our high heels is? It is the most dangerous weapon against bad person. We can do this after we night out, often after night - out there would be wicked person who disturb us for nothing. 

  • While you drive car, always remove our tear gas from the bag and put it on the side that the nearest and easy for us to reach it with our hand. Always lock the door and never open it to anyone, it doesn't mean we are selfish once we saw someone ask for a ride or what ever, this is about our own safety. Adjust the vehicle speed, when to see the red light that requires us to stop at night and the street was quiet, always try to stay close with another car. So easy for us to ask for help.

  • When we can not afford to buy the tear gas, buy a small toy as a water gun. Instead of water, fill the water gun with water mixed with red chili and pepper which we have already milled. Use a super spicy Thailand red chili, shoot right to the eye of the bully. He would laugh when he saw it was a toy gun, but he forget what inside it. 

  • Try not to go out alone. Always with someone else beside us. Especially at night when after night-out. Stay conscious, don't drink too much. 

  • Do not bring too much money and leave at home your debit card or credit card if you have more than one. Just bring one of them and small money that enough only for us to spend. This one is the priority once might be the person want to take our wallet to get the money or squeezed your debit card or credit card. You don't want to get headache to fix with the bank to block here and there right? And also if they snatch man ask to squeeze your money into ATM, you will just lose not that much.

  • Don't wear too much fancy jewelry in your body part.  Be simple and chic every where we go even to the night out, except into gala dinner with still never go alone. 
Look At this : Simple & Chic.

  • If going by taxi, just use the brand the safest taxi in the town. 

  • Always put your cell phone speed dial with number 911 or any number code depends in your area. keep the phone always in hand. Put number 911 as the first priority number. 

  • Learn a basic of martial art for women, because what women need to do is only to learn how to kick properly to the object right in the pubic area. It is the most sensitive area for most people to knock down him. 
  • Scream and run ask for HELP. 

  • Report it as soon as possible to police, stay focus remembering the face and describe it to the police man. And spread it the news by asking someone to draw it down the snatch guy who did that to you, in future everyone knows and stay alert for this guy.

You can add list in here to rich the article and we can share it to over the universe. There is no space for people who done criminality.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Good News From For Indonesia

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The Internet giant ensure will pay attention to small and medium enterprises in Indonesia during its business activity in Indonesia.

This is the fresh air for Indonesia ( I am so happy when heard about this too ) due to is a big company in media information in the world who eager to invest by opening branch office in Indonesia.  For the time when exactly the grand opening officially happened still in discussing with Indonesia government. 

Google is very optimistic through the news reported in some media reports I read that Indonesia has great potential to develop Indonesia to become the great engine of economic growth in the future ahead. As we should know what notice so far, that Indonesia is the 3rd number in its record as the users for Google, Twitter and Facebook.

" Internet users in Indonesia is  aggressive in developing widespread adoption of internet usage. Google is often used in Indonesia, which meaning this is a good move for Google to do business here ", says Schmidt. 
In each opening of new branches in a country to Google, they have special program to be adopted in that country ( Sound that it is personal touch right. It is what needed in a business, personal touch will develop great revenue ) ; for developing SMEs. Indonesia has many SMEs that are spreads in several places, coupled with so many islands and provinces in Indonesia. 

A good thing when Google opened a branch in here, due to the extensive connections owned by Google, especially in digital media internet access to up-dating the newest information for the users. More over, Google will emphasize the program for SMEs in Indonesia by giving and providing education, training and seminars. Hopefully, by providing the knowledge in media and good network formation in Google's, of course the flow of trade transaction will be easier and faster. 

It is nice when I read this news. The positive is due to the opening of Google's branch in Indonesia and prioritize SMEs in future there will be employment in Indonesia in order to reduce unemployment numbers in Indonesia, it will help Indonesian government a lot. Plus more with the opening of the International airport in Lombok and 3 ports of cruise ships in Gili, Lombok and Bali which are good for Indonesian tourism program for my beloved Indonesia. 

In further Indonesia will enhance the credibility and enhance Indonesian entrepreneurship  spirits  specially for being SMEs. And a lot more for Indonesia if Google being investor in our country. Thank you Google. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let's Move Our Body and Mind !

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Respective owner of Picture is :

Today article was inspired by a study nowadays about our lifestyle behaviour that are less good and affecting our own health.

As many degenerative diseases was reported that lately many people came earlier; when it should be declined in organ functions which only happen commonly to old age.
The disease came because of adverse changes in the pattern of our own life. We neglect to pay attention to nutrition and minimal motions practising in our life style.

Here is the WHO news footage about the TOP 5 largest disease that haunts came at young age :
  • Heart Disease ; WHO put this disease as the number one cold-blooded killer in the world. The record of 2008, 25.7 million people died caused of this disease, approximately 12.8% of total deaths in the world in 2008.
  • Stroke ; In 2008, stroke accounted for mortality as much 10.8% of the total number of deaths in the world. Estimated 6.15 million people died from stroke suffered. Stroke is caused by constriction of blood vessels.
  • Chronic Lung Disease ; a total of 3.28 million people worldwide died of chronic pulmonary  disease associated with this. The amount is equal to 5.8% of total deaths in the world.
  • Respiratory, Throat and Lung Cancers ; These 3 diseases caused 3.1% mortality in the world with casualties amounting to 1.39 million people in 2008.
  • Diabetes Mellitus ; 1.26 million people died from diabetic is 2.2% in the calculated number of deaths in the world in 2008.

Then which one of our lifestyles causes us to decline in organ function at the young age? 
  • Poor eating habits such as irregular eating time-line; eating patterns that do not pay attention to the amount of nutrients needed by our own bodies; excessive eating paterns that lead to excessive level of sugarin the body
  • Lackness of drinking water habitual which is in previous post I did explain the benefit of water for our own good health
  • Lack of activity in a moving body that can affect the dynamics of body organs is hampered due to fat accumulation are just concentrated on few body parts that are not balanced in the distributions of substances, the food substances into our body..
  • Smoking habit. Knowingly or not ( and this is a valuable lesson for me personally as well as writing this article ), we accounted smoking habit of our beloved universe to make the air in surround us become unhealthy, especially because of the lack of a disproportionate number of trees to suck up the CO and CO2.
In some people affected by these diseases may be due to congenital genetics defects. However, we need to note here is that we can correct the situation if indeed we would be a genetic of the disease. And for expecting the non-genetically to always going love ourselves to always paying attention to the dynamics of our own organs body parts.

Let's Rock , and Let's Move our Body and Mind !!

  • Get used to bring healthy biscuits which rich in wheat inside our bag, so each time how busy is our activities, a healthy dietery food is always there with us; and ready for the intake by the body.
  • Get used to eat 2 banana everyday due to the membran fibre banana has is good for digestive organ in our body. 
  • Get used to bring drink water bottle that we can re-fill any time. Avoid cold water.
  • Get used to drinking water as soon as we wake up from sleep as much as 1 glass. 
  • Avoid food that contains MSG
  • Get used to move our bodies. A very easy way though we do not have enough time to do jogging, gym or whatever it is; make a habit as like we put our goods which are we always use in daily such as our mobile phone ; put in a place that far from the reach of our hands. Thus, our body would move to find it and to reach it. this one is the most effective way to accustom ourselves to move specially to people who are busy working and alway stick with the desk and seat. 
  • For smokers as myself ( I try to quit anyway :-) ), get used to smoke away from the people around specially in a room where not only us who stays there inside. Get used to feel guilty for having participated in polluting the air in our beloved universe. Start make list guilty project as like me to statr planting trees and in goal to growing it nicely for every 1 packet cigarette we've already exhausted suction.
  • You can add any list here. I will make contact form in other page, so any time you love to donate article in here. I will publish it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Young, Bold, Inspired & Beautiful in Universe

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This article related to previous post.
In this post, I will write about young people who inspire others in universe in their own spesification fields.


The Genius Kid ; Jacob Barnett
He doesn't like other children in aged of 12 years old, most of whom are attending school in grades 6 or 7, Jake now is a student at Purdue Universty, Indianapolis, USA, majoring in astro physics.
Since childhood, Jake has already shown his geniusity. At age of 14 months, had calculated the volume of cereal boxes. At age of 3, he was able to make 5,000 of puzzles. A few years later, he was able himself to learn calculus, algebra, geometry within only 2 weeks ! Grrrhhh, even myself, I don't understand at all about calculus ! At age of 8 years old he was already finished his high scool. WOW !

What is the current astro physics that Jake learned?
Astro physics is the study of cosmoloy addresses questions which branch of astronomy that deals with physics and universe, including the physical properties of celestial objects. Shortly is about gravitationally-bound objects in the universe. ( What an headache subjects, right? ).
Jake wants and in efforts he is studying the astro physics and willing being an expert in that subject. Even now, Jake is working in his own creation of Big Bang theory. One proffesor at Purdue University studies the theory being worked on Jake's; due to many scientists who made the Big Bang theory of creation theory of the universe. When Jake will manage to finished it, he could be the candidate  receiving of Noble Prize !

What is the goal - noble ideals Jake alone ? He wanted to be a professor and write a math book that is more understandable by most common people.

I wish for Jake's to be suceeded !!! Keep the Faith Jake !

Music Entertainer

Justin Beiber the phenomenal teen singer-artist who admired so many children and adolescents.
Who doesn't know about Justin Beiber ? Raise your hand please !
Justin Beiber is a 17 years old pop singerwho from Canada. His ability not only singing, he also write and play many music instruments suc as guitar, piano, trumpet and drum.
He was found by accident in 2008 by Braun scooter once he saw Beiber's video on YouTube. And Scooter now is becoming Beiber's manager. 

Beiber's debut single entitled ' One Time ' which was released in 2009 became a big hit in Canada and being placed into the Top 30 charted in international music market in several countries. Again, in 2009 the debut release album ' My World ' got certified award winning platinum artist and recorded as the first singer who his 7 songs are listed in Billboard Hot 100.
He is not stopping until there only, he achieve many awards. He is the winner of ' Artist of The 2010 Year ' at the American Music Award 2010; an as nominee for ' Best New Comer Artist ' and ' Best Vocal Album 2010 ' at 53rd Grammy Awards. Now Beiber at stake for becoming next American Idol.

Movie Entertainer

Who doesn't know about Harry Potter? The universe now exposed to film Harry Potter fevers. 
J.K. Rowling had done great job for writing these Harry Potter phantasy books which about the wizarding world story. But the interesting here in Harry Potter is the movie artist players who played it so blended with the characters and seems natural. 
Who are the 3 muskeeters who is battling the Lord of Voldemort in this movie ? Why this movie is good ? I don't mind to read the books and even watch the movies because the story is about friendship, family and love on top of everything in this world. So, meaning is this movie is good for inspiring people how they face the life within their own difference amongst common people and how to deal it. Here are the reviews :

Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel is the main actor who play as Harry Potter. His age is 22 years old now. This Harry Potter movie which has made his name soared to all corners of the universe even this harry Potter was not his first movie in fact. Then what are interesting things from Daniel Radcliffe ? 
1. Daniel can rotate his arm up to 360 degrees
2. At age 16, Daniel was the only non-royal person who has a personal portrait in Britain's National Portrait Gallery.
3. In an auction in order to raise-fund Comic Relief, Daniel's lock of hair was sold for 1,125 US$
4. Daniel loves to write poems with nick pen- name is Jacob Gershon.
5. Daniel was awarded as The Hero for supporting youth lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and those with problems ( LGBTQ ) in 2009. Meaning is he alike with Lady Gaga in her song ' Born This Way '. Humanist. 
6. Due his role-main actor in harry Potter movie, Daniel successfully ranked as the richest teenagerin Britain. Defeating the popular artists such as Robert Pattinson, Emma Watson and Keira Knightley.

Rupert Grint 
Rupert Grint is the main actor who play as Harry's best friend which named as Ron Weasley who has red hair. Harry Potter movie also which is also catapulted his name in film industry. What make Grin is interesting?
1. Grint was the winner of satelitte award for ' Outstanding New Talent ' category, and also won the Young Artist Award for ' Most promissing Young New Comer '.
2. Grint proves himself that he is a true actor who could perform in other types of movie character such as in the Thunderpants film or Driving Lessons film. And he played in small-budgeted ANTI-WAR Norwegian movie which is entitled as Comrades film.
3. Grint many participating in charity events such as fund money raiser for the Royal National England Lifeboat Institution
4. Grint also a participant in producing design for Chrysalis Collection ' a painted butterfly ' which was auction-off in for Keech Hospice Care in London
5. Grint took part also in the ad of campaign for make mane Milk which refer to awareness ' How Important It is To Have Your Daily Dose of Milk '.

Emma Watson
Emma Watson is also the main actress who play as Hermione, the best friend of Harry Potter together fighting the Voldermort.
Likewise, Emma Watson; Harry Potter movies who made her name raised. So, what about her interesting parts?
1. She also want to proves herself that she can become truly an actress. She played in BBC film entitle ' Ballet Shoes '
2. She lent her voice for the princess of Pea  in an animated film  ' The Tale of Despereaux '
3. she become a model for some branded fashion label such as Burberry
4. She involved with people Tree, a fair Trade Fashion Brand and work as a creative advisor for People Tree to create spring line of clothing
5. she is also smart, even her business in many activities in harry Potter sequel, she still maintained high academic standard. She was Miss A+ in 8 subjects and A in 2 subjects. 
6. She was named as Hollywood's highest female stars, having estimated 19 millions pundsterlings in 2009
7. She was ranked 6th in Forbes as ' Most Valuable Young Star ' in 2009


Cesc Fabregas ; A Spanish soccer player who plays as a central mid-fielder. A captain in Premier League side Arsenal and plays for National Spanish Team.
Fabregas srated his career as a trainee at FC Barcelona then at 2003, was signed to Arsenal. He was only 16 years old that time. Because his injuried in the year of 2004 - 2005 season, following time-being he proves himself that he is the best central mid-fielder and play maker in Arsenal. Fabregas broke the team's records and earn reputation as the Best Young Players. 
Fabregas is a big contributor for making Spain as a winner in 2 tournaments recently. FĂ bregas is also an Honorary Patron of the campaign against Racism in football and society. Go Rangers Fabregas !


Isabella Bliss ; She was the winner of Master Chef Australia 2010. 
What causes that make Isabella is so special in the field of cooking ? 
She just 12 years old but already stunning in understanding about cooking knowledges and how to cooking it in proper ways as like adult chefs !
Peharps, Isabella is a descendant of Italian, which Italian believe that food is an important thing. At the age of 2 years old, She has been done good at making pasta and pizza. At 7 years old, Isabella has made delicious dishes for Christmas party and birthday event celebrations.

The Inspirator & The Richest Youth In the Universe

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This time I made an article about the phenomenon of young people in the world that inspires so many people to become like them, good samples with all the strengths in each field they do.

In Technology

The young youth who are smart, rich and popularbecause of the internet technology that we do familiar and we do use in most common. Who are these guys ? Below who they are :

  •  Mark Zuckerberg : The owner of Facebook

The big boss of facebook site that use more than 500 million users around the universe. He is the number 35 of Forbes' list amongst the 400 people are listed as the richest person in the world. Higher than the CEO QApple boo with an estimated wealth of 6.9 billion U.S. dollars. He is good anyway by doing charity, he donates 100 million U.S. dollars for public school over the world.

  •  Blake Ross : The maker of web browser Mozilla

He is the developer who made mozilla web browser which started in November, 2004 while he was just 19 years old. 
Spesifically, Blake Ross started the Mozilla firefox project with Dave Hyatt, who is the developer of Firefox. They are both merged and marriage these 2 technologies as what we know and we use nowadays as Mozilla Firefox ! 
Blake Ross already have had created his own website in the age of 10 years old. His wealth is estimated about 150 millions U.S. dollars. Wow ! 

  •  Naveen Selvadurai : The founder of Foursquare

Naveen and David Crowley are collaborating to make a social networking mobile sites based on location that we know called as foursquare. That's a big hit nowadays. This joint venture has a value about 250 million U.S. dollars and his fortune wealth is estimated about 80 million U.S. dollars.

  • Angelo Sotira : The founder of devianART

Angelo Sotira is a bussinessman who is a founder of an online community devianART along with Matthew Stevens and Scott Jarkoff in August, 2000 when he was just 19 years old. However, devianART is not his first bussiness anyway; four years earlier he had made an online music file-sharing was known as Dimensional Music, which later he sold it to Michael Ovitz. He then worked under umbrella of Ovitz's Artist Management Group & Lynx Technology group who made him more capable by his experienced in this company he made software for the company which can has ability to be more in strategic role in emphasizing increasing opportunities for the company through the internet applications. His wealth is estimated  75 millions U.S. dollar worth.

  • . Sean Belnick : The owner of

Sean Belnick is a figure of a true entrepreneur.His ahe now is 23 years old. At the age of 14 years old, he had locked himself in his room and after three days he went out and decided that his bussiness must be started now !. He made a bussiness online by selling furniture !! With capital money wothed 500 U.S. dollars in 2004 and then gain the profit 24 million U.S. dollars in 2006 which is mentioned in Biz Journals. His wealth now is estimated about 50 million U.S. dollars worth. is an internet retailers office chairs, school furniture, home furnishing and medical furnishing.

  •  Matthew Charles Mullenweg - known as Matt Mullenweg. The founder  and developer of Wordpress. 

In the year of 2002, Matt started using blog facility which known as b2cafeblog, in January 2003 Matt announce via his blog that he will develop b2 blog and he is suceeded and well-known as Wordpress. In the year of 2007, Matt Mullenweg was named as the 16th from the 50 ' The Most Important Person In the World of Internet ' by the PC World. His wealth is estimated around 40 million U.S. dollars.

  •  Aodhan Cullen : The owner of was built when he was just 16 years old, and now he is 27 years old. Cullen contributes a lot to the cyber world by creating a website to record visitor statistics who come in a site. His program widely use by approximately 2.3 million web masters and bloggers for keeping up track of more than 10 billion page views and hits in a month. Therefore currently is doing lot of improvements due to the use of his program. Currently Cullen's welath is estimated about 18 million U.S. dollars.

In next post will be continue for the inspiring young people. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dengue Fever is The Scourge of Society In South East Asia Specially

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What is Dengue fever?

Dengue fever is generally immune to attack people who are declining. Actually, once we are exposed to dengue fever infection, the body will produce immunity against the dengue virus type, the virus will last for a life time. Too bad, the dengue fever caused by many type of viruses, even though we are immuned to one type of virus, still we can be suffered from another type of dengue virus.

Which areas can be easily by the dengue fever?

Many have contracted dengue fever in tropic and sub-tropic areas continents, Asia is the most in the first rank number of patients who got the dengue fever yearly. This is happening because the rainfall seasons is high specially in Brazil, India and south east asia specially now the climate change. And as developing countries parts, of course the population is getting increase that hampered to narrow the areas of mosquitos in the end they are expanding too to human areas, due to the expanding population which related to urbanization from one area to another area and relating to developing progressive movements are without considering the mutual of environmental impact itself, the lack of knowledge of the standarnisation of the sanitation and hygiene and the public behaviour themselves . WHO estimates more than 500,000 of 50,000.000 cases need to be hospitalized. More than 40% of population in Asia living in endemic areas of dengue fever.

What are the symptoms of dengue fever ?

After being bitten by the dengue mosquito who is the carrier of dengue fever, the incubation will last 3 - 15 days to the sypmtom would be appeared. Then the sympthoms will be like these descriptions below :
1. the sudden high fever 2 - 7 days
2. feeling chills, pain in the head ( not pain in the a** okay - :P ), pain when moving the eye ball, back pain as the the beginning sympthoms.
3. visible spots - the red dots in the skin when checked the torniquet technique
4. liver enlargement ( hepatomegaly )
5. blood pressure decrease and cause shock
6. decrease in the number of trombocite platelets below 100.000/mm3 and increase in hematocrite blood more than 20%
7. in advanced symptoms will occuron the nose and gum bleeding
8. occurs melena ( waste water with feces in the form of mucus and blood mixed in )
9. visible spots- red dots spread in skin as form of rupture the blood vessels
10. perceived fever causes stiffness and paint in the joints

The process of Dengue Fever Transmission

The spread of dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes bite of Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus, In the area which is one person getting infected to dengue fever will impact outbreaks remarkable cause to its surroundings.


There is no effective medical treatment once infected. Treatment will be emphasizing in giving people who infected by giving lots of drinks which contains sugar in 24 hours daily basis from 1.5 Litres to 2 Litres. All the treatment is good for preventing only. The main stream strategy is to eradicating the Aedes mosquitos development growth due to its ability can be able to spawn in large number 50 - 100 eggs per-day per-mosquito. Can we imagine that there are millions of mosquitos development in just short time. In efforts, Indonesia is leading the South East Asia ( concurrent with Thailand, Malaysia, Phillipines and Vietnam ) in giving trial vaccination to around 2000 kids ( because mostly the victims of dengue fever are kids - red ) in 3 cities in Indonesia Bali - Jakarta and Bandung. The given of this trial vaccine already in phase three-step. The purpose by giving this vaccine to examine the extent which this vaccine could protect the body from the dengue fever. And so far, this trial vaccine is running good.

Then how to eradicating these cutties naughty mosquitos ?
Very highyly suggested that public awareness is the important role key in this case. Live in healthy scheme would help so much.

Prevention is done by avoiding mosquitos' bites at a time in the morning to afternoon time, because this funny naughty eades mosquito is active only at day time not at night time.
The most effective actions in preventing dengeu fever are :
1. Mosquito eradiction nest by doing solid waste management, throwing the dirty water and wash cleaned the water container which possible for the mosquitos to do breeding and produce, re-management and re-arrange regularly the house design area ( re-placing and re0-arrange the items' house which are potentially for mosquitos to breed ).  In another word is cleaning cleaning and cleaning and tidying the house.
2. Maintenancing of larvaes-eating fishes ( slayer fishes, fighting fishes etc ) in the water pool or water container
3. Fumigation or fogging by using fenthion and malathion and usually it is conducted by the area in charge
4. Giving abate powder ( temephos ) in places such as water reservoirs, water bowls, water containers, ponds etc
5. Taking action personally and contribute by the action to clean-up our own housing area.

Is it Looking scary this mosquito?

Aedes aegypti Mosquito